1.Its always better to take prior appointment.
2.Please come with your old health records about the eye or other systemic problems
3.Please take out time of about 2 hrs since the pupillary dialatation process may take time
4.If you are putting any anti glaucoma eye drops pease continue them as per schedule , even in the morning of consultation day, if it was scheduled. This will help assess the IOP whih is being maintained.
5.If you are diabetic , please take your breakfast and insulin /oral medications on time.Please bring your diabetes medicines with you.Please bring a small tiffin from your home , since pupillary dialatation may require longer time.
6.Its good if you bring your recent blood sugar , lipid profile or HbA1c reports with you.
7.Please bring dark goggles . Please call someone to pick you up and take you to home.